Monday, July 28, 2008

Sauteed Young Turnips with Fennel, Sweet Onion and Thyme

Sorry this is a "google image" picture, I dropped my camera at my Aunt's house last week and the lens is completely broken and well the whole thing is %#*$^ed. But picture or no this was a fun experiment. I took a TON of extra young turnips from the "swap" box where we pick up our vegetables. I guess no one likes them? I think they are good but I hadn't really ever made just turnips, they have always just been added to things. I also had never cooked fennel, I've eaten it but I wasn't sure what to pair it with and we only had a small bulb. So in my mind these two vegetables would be forced to become friends and if it all tasted terrible no one would be the wiser. I washed and sliced up the turnips in half moons (about 16 of them). I sliced a small sweet onion similarly and washed and chopped the fennel (the bulb only and I removed the wonky outside leaves). I sauteed everything together with 5 or 6 thyme stalks, olive oil and a little butter. I let them cook for a good while on medium heat, maybe 20 minutes. I also made another butterflied pork tenderloin (see my sage recipe from week one or two). It all married really nicely. Don't forget to remove the twiggy little thyme stalks before you eat.

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